- Published: 15 December 2015
- ISBN: 9781612195223
- Imprint: Melville House
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 96
- RRP: $34.00
Ernest Hemingway: The Last Interview
And Other Conversations

- Published: 15 December 2015
- ISBN: 9781612195223
- Imprint: Melville House
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 96
- RRP: $34.00
"One of the bravest and best, the strictest in principles, the severest of craftsmen, undeviating in his dedication to his craft . . . To the few who knew him well he was almost as good a man as the books he wrote. He is not dead. Generations not yet born of young men and women who want to write will refute that word as applied to him." --William Faulkner
"The outstanding author since the death of Shakespeare . . . Always dangerous. Always in there with that right cocked. Real Class." --John O'Hara
"He accomplished as few artists that have lived in our time, or any, the almost impossibly difficult achievement of becoming, as a man, in the sight of the world and the time he lived in, the embodiment of what his work meant." --Tennessee Williams